
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Some Personal Thoughts on Gas Prices

I know, I know it seems like everybody is talking about gas these days and how outrageous it is and how the world is ending tomorow . Let me offer some of my personal thoughts. In an ever changing society, not only do people change but the economy changes. Things become different. Lifestyles change. Ways of doing things change. And sometimes its not a bad thing, its just change. When the Civil War happened, the world changed. When 9/11 struck, the world changed. Now don't get me wrong, I am not comparing the price of gas to 9/11, but it is the same principle.....the economy is changing. Alot of us resist change alot of the time. Facts say that 90% of people resist change when something new comes along. This is where I think the oil company's are making their mistake. The world is changing. If there was ever a time NOT to raise gas prices, this would be the time. This change in society is causing us to find new sources of energy and strike out to places we have never been before.... therefore, as technology progresses, and we become less dependent on oil than we have ever been before, what is going to happen to the gas company's? Demand will decrease, therefore profits will decrease and gas will come down. NOW, what happens to the oil company's in 5-6 years down the road when we are totally dependent on another source besides oil. I don't think they will go under. The extra profit they are making right now is going in reserve. The gouging and the sticking of prices right now is causing us to take route on another path. The US is the most advanced research country in all the world and I guarantee you they WILL find another alternative to fuel. Wages are not rising. The American people bear the brunt of this and wont put up with it. Pretty soon, everybody will be driving little Pintos again..powered from grease you just had your fries in.... Comeone oil company's.....wake up. But still yet another thought comes up. Gas prices cant go down...they have to change with the economy. Now I don't agree with the price that it is at right now (average US cost $3.94 per gallon), but I do agree with the thought that they have to rise sometime. Its simple cost and demand. It cant stay at $2.09 per gallon forever. I think when everything settles down, it will be at an average of $3.50 per gallon. Just some ramblings.....


Unknown said...

Good morning, Tyler--

We need to expand the drilling in our own country. Also, we need to build nuclear energy plants.Both these things should have been done years ago.

Have a happy day!

Tyler Sullivan said...

Sis Buxton - Good morning to you as well

I will agree with you on that point. They should have expanded drilling years ago. But it still leaves the fact open that oil will not last forever. They say that there is more oil in North Dakota then there is in all of Iran. But yet environmentalists will not let us drill there. I think later when it comes to the point where we just have to have it, they will go ahead and drill but not quite yet. The same thing about gulf drilling. This will last us a long time, but will it last forever? What happens when we totally run out? I think right now might be the best time to possibly start like you said looking and building nuclear energy plants. It will probably take awhile before they ever start going full swing that way, but better to start now than when we are out.

Mariah said...

Ah the good 'ole days when horse and buggy took you where you needed to go. If the horse broke a leg you shot it and got yourself another horse. They ate off the land, with maybe some extra hay in the winter time but how does hay compare with gas prices now adays. If only....

Megan said...

Totally agree with you on this one. I wish the price of gas would settle quickly. I personally dont like paying 4.25 a gallon... :D

Amyan said...


You ALMOST said the same thing that my economy teacher said last simester. He said that we don't need anyone coming in and lowering the prices on gas but if they were left alone the market would even them out. I think you both could be right. I hope so anyways, that way it will even

Tyler Sullivan said...


I dont think hay would run too good in my car, but I see where you are coming from.


It is $4.03 for regular here right now, but if you spend over $50 at safeway they give you a $.20 discount. Works out nice.


Whichever way it works out, it will be higher than it was. O well, start saving your french fry grease so you can pour it on in when the time comes. I think the economy will balance out after awhile....but then again, if it gets any worse, I could be dead in the water wrong.


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