
Monday, November 3, 2008

Exercise Your American Right

Today our country has an option. To make history or to do whats right. Sometimes people get so mixed up in their choices that they forget what is more important. To do the right thing....or to simply go upon what their emotions or feelings are telling them. Emotions are momentary and can change at the drop of a hat.
Listening to Barack Obama, I will have to admit, he is a good orator. He can get people excited with his talk of change and his big words, to the point so where all you hear and remember how exciting he was.
"Do you remember that speech"?
"Look at how much energy he has"
But when you begin to examine his words and content, the void and emptiness of the words he portrays, actually begin to sink in.
But still, your emotions are stirring because of the way he spoke about change or the way he chose his words concerning our future. When you talk about change, your imagination begins to take off. You think about
"what would it be like if things were different"
I guess it depends on your definition of different. What would it be like with a leader who didn't believe in God. What would it be like with a leader who didn't have any moral character? Would it be different with a leader who doesn't think the American flag is honourable?
The answer is yes. It would be change. It would be different.
Granted we all need to change sometimes; but the kind of change that some people would like to offer is not the kind of change that align with God, morals, human dignity or the basic fundamental, individual rights this country was founded on.
That is why I ask you this day, don't vote on something today that you wish wouldn't have voted on tomorrow. Don't vote on something in which your emotions are telling you to do because it sounds nice. Or it has the words "change".
Don't vote on something that when you look back in 6 months you wish you wouldn't have voted that way. The American dream is something that the whole world dreams of. Don't destroy that dream. Tomorrow, get out and vote for what is right.
Exercise your right as an American citizen. The right that many countries long for. The right that many people dream about and long to have. The right that is just an idea or a tale to some people. Get out and do what makes this country the greatest country on earth.......

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